Damp  Season

When warm air encounters a colder object, it condenses into moisture droplets. In the subtropical south, this temperature difference can lead to moisture collecting on glass, walls, and furniture surfaces. Damp Season specifically refers to this period, which is humid and fuzzy. It makes the boundaries between inside and outside space no longer distinct. As the novelist Gabriel Garcia Márquez says in One Hundred Years Of Solitude, “The air was so damp that fish could have come in through the doors and swum out the windows, floating through the atmosphere in the rooms.” Tiny water droplets were on the verge of seeping out from the cracks in bones, then sprouting gills and tails that swayed across the ceiling before swimming out of the windows. Time, space, sound, and individuals were all fused together in a super-saturated vapor. The lines between internal and external, individual, and collective memory blur into obscurity.

Interactive Installation 
Installation with stepper motors, light, transducers, wood, acrylic, steel, heater